If you happen to be looking around for a new head unit either online or visiting the various shops in your area you might notice that most all the head units are sold out and are in backorder status. So, what’s up with that you ask? Chip shortage world-wide. Microchips are an integral part of most any electronic component, be it in a radio, in a vehicle, in your phone damn near everything has a chip in it to process the commands and make the widget do what it’s supposed to do.
From what we hear is that there were two manufacturing facilities that burnt down and caused the massive shortage and being unable to fulfill orders of previously ordered chips from the many automakers, electronic gizmo manufacturers, and all those that depend on the microchip to push out their wizardry and dazzle us with the technology.
For more gut punches we are not told when to expect the shortage to abate, nobody knows just when these little semiconductors will be available for the manufactures to insert into their products. 6 months, 12 months who knows?
So we have been scrambling to capture any and all products that become available to us. This includes brands that we have never sold before and are maybe somewhat unfamiliar but we vet each and every unit we offer to insure reliability, and value for our customers. Let me tell you it is getting harder and harder as stock levels deplete with very little to none hope of being replenished in a timely manner. So, my advice to you dear reader is if you see something you like and it’s available now you might want to jump on it and get it because it most likely won’t be there much longer considering the way things have been playing out.
Learn more about the microchip plant fires:
- Wall Street Journal: Fire at Giant Auto-Chip Plant Fuels Supply Concerns
- BBC: Factory blaze adds to computer chip supply crisis:
- Kelly Blue Book: Oh, Come On. Fire at Microchip Factory Exacerbates Shortage
Can’t wait for the new stock? Remember to check out our second chance consignment shelf. Score a great deal via 2nd chance consignment section. We will test all equipment and clean it up when we accept it and test it in front of the buyer so they know it is good when they pay for it. It’s a win/win for everybody. Looking to sell your older unit? Sell your old car audio electronics for cash or credit. Learn more here.
Learn more about what is happening in the world of auto electronics from the car audio experts at Sounds Good To Me in Tempe, Arizona, servicing the entire metro Phoenix area including Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale and Gilbert, Arizona.
Call us at (480) 968-8543, visit us at www.soundzgood2me.com or contact us by email at soundzgood2me00@yahoo.com.